Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord 2 Peter 1 v 2
We also ask any visitor planning to attend worship with us to first phone Pastor to announce your intention. This is primarily to ensure that there is enough space in the church for you because spaces are much more limited than previously. Telephone number 01271 269213
Covid 19 during services
Please also note that from 8th August 2020 members of the public are required by law to wear a face covering in church. The government website puts it like this, “You are expected to wear a face covering immediately before entering … and must keep it on until you leave”. Please see the government website for exemptions to the wearing of face coverings.
We also ask any visitor planning to attend worship with us to first phone Pastor to announce your intention. This is primarily to ensure that there is enough space in the church for you because spaces are much more limited than previously. Telephone number 01271 269213
Our services are being uploaded to YouTube as soon as possible following the end of each service so if you are unable to join with us in person please follow this link to our Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church YouTube channel. We are planning to live stream the services as aoon as possible.
In these pages you are able to find out what we believe about God & the Bible. Also available are recordings of sermons that have been preached in our church on Sundays. There are also Bible studies that have been given at the Tuesday evening meetings.
Every Sunday at 11.00am and 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Every Wednesday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm